Convening of the 28th AGM of Cinkarna Celje

17. 05. 2024

Filling type: General Assembly

Based on Art. 34 of the Articles of Association of Cinkarna Celje, d.d. and in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, the Management Board convenes the 28th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE JOINT STOCK COMPANY CINKARNA CELJE, d. d., which will be held on 19 June 2024, at the company's registered office at Kidričeva ulica 26, Celje, in the premises of the multi-purpose building, starting at 3 p.m.

Convening of the 28th AGM of Cinkarna Celje

Registration and proxy form

Registration form

Agenda and draft resolution with rationale

Information on the shareholders’ rights

Report of Remuneration

Remuneration policy
