As at 31 December 2021, Cinkarna had 793 employees, which means a reduction of 31 employees, or
3.8%, compared to the end of 2020. There are minor changes in the number of employees by business
unit, with the exception of professional departments and Kemija Mozirje, where the number of
employees has decreased significantly.
As at 31 December 2021, the average age structure of the company was 47.13 years (men 45.03 years
and women 50.07 years). The age structure remained at a similar level as in 2020, due to 51
terminations and 20 realised recruitments, as well as the continued optimisation of the number of
employees by organisational unit. The average age increased marginally by 0.03 percent, which is
reflected in the continuation of the positive trend of gradual rejuvenation of the workforce.
Since 1985, when the Company's management embarked on a long-term restrictive staffing strategy
and the headcount stood at 2,427, the number of employees has been reduced by 1,634, or 67.3
percent, which, while operating in a global world market and restructuring internally, has undoubtedly
kept the Company alive and competitive in increasingly challenging global markets where it is exposed
to ruthless global competition.
In 2021, in order to update the existing knowledge and ensure the regulatory compliance of employees,
in light of the restrictions and measures related to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Company implemented
8.67 hours of training per employee (2020 – 11.97 hours of training/employee), with a budget of
€ 206.2/employee (2020 – € 273.8/employee). The largest share of training is mandatory, mainly in
the areas of occupational health and safety, handling hazardous chemicals, fire protection,
environmental protection and standards management, which we have adapted operationally to the
constraints and measures through organisational measures. At the individual level, due to the
exacerbated situation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic and the restrictive measures regarding the
gathering of persons at both company and national level, as well as the freezing of the vast majority of
training courses, we implemented significantly less content that was focused on the individual's areas
of expertise. Most of the individualised content was delivered through electronic means and applications.
In 2021, 3,098 participants took part in specific functional training both in-house and off-site. For the
reasons described above, the total number of training hours was 6,947 (10,065 in 2020), a decrease of
31%, and we allocated 26.8% fewer resources to training than in 2020.
In the field of social work, activities in 2021 included individual problem-solving, the deployment of
disabled workers, ergonomics, employee prevention, and the retirement of employees who meet the
conditions for retirement.
The most common problems have arisen in the deployment of workers with permanent and temporary
disabilities. In fact, there is an increasing number of workers who have restrictions at work due to a
medical condition. At the end of 2021, the Company employed 55 persons with disabilities, a decrease
of 3 persons with disabilities, or 5.2%, compared to the end of the previous year. The proportion of
persons with disabilities in the Company's workforce as a percentage of the total workforce in 2021 is
on a downward trend, still at a relatively high level of 6.9%, and exceeds the statutory quota for
companies by just under one percent. Thanks to an active policy of cooperation with the Occupational,
Transport and Sports Medicine and the Disability Commission of ZPIZ, the proportion of disabled persons
in relation to the total number of employees has decreased for the fifth year in a row, so the positive
trend is continuing.
Taking into account the age structure of the workforce and the changes in legislation, which is more
restrictive towards the retirement of people with disabilities, we do not expect a significant improvement
in this structure. The main reason is the nature of production in the past and, despite technological
modernisation, no improvement can be expected in the near future.
External fluctuation in 2021 is 6.3% and total fluctuation, including internal transfers, is 9.1%. External
fluctuation is at the same level as the previous year, while total fluctuation is 3.2% lower (12.3% in